Family..... We all have two families; The family that we are born into and the family that we create amongst our friends. Family doesn't have to be blood in any way shape or form. We love our family but we also love our friend's. I love my family and my friend's equally. Some people don't have a great family relationship with there family and or relatives for many reason's which is why some make there friend's family. Always remember that regardless of who you consider family that you need to always be there when they need a ear to talk to. Don't pick and choose if you want to answer that phone when they call and not return there call or text message for that matter, cause you never know if there is something wrong. Or don't be in the middle of a conversation with them then suddenly act like you can't hear them then hang up on them and ignore there call when they call right back. And don't claim that your phone never rings when they call or claim that you never receive text message's that they sent you. Family doesn't treat family like that. This is just a rant cause I am irritated at certain (blood) family member's.
Life and Journey's...... As kid's we can't wait to be adults. To be able to live our own lives and do as we please. We decide on what we want our life Journey to be but sometimes that journey has many road block's and dead ends and we never seem to find that correct fork in the road to what our journey is supposed to be. I am in my early 40's and am still trying to find that correct fork in the road for my life journey that's supposed to be for me. I sometimes wonder why it is that some people have it so easy in there journey as adults and for some it's constant hardship's, dead end's, heart break and constant loss. I am tired of the constant struggles. It seems like no matter what I do nothing work's out right. Every time thing's are starting to go the way I want it to something happens and everything comes crashing back down on me and I have to start crawling my way back again and it happens over and over again. I want a solid journey in life. I want to live comfortably and not have to constantly stress and worry about making sure I have enough money to pay this bill or that bill. This is not how I imagined my life journey as a adult! It really hurts me when I see people on FB constantly taking trips here and trip's trip's there when I can't even go see my sibling that lives 2000 mile's away. 2 week's ago I got to the point that I've decided to limit logging into FB except for 1 day a week, and am not even looking at the news feed when I do log in. Where I have worked for the past 5 1/2 year's we have always had unlimited overtime. Every year our weekly insurance deduction's from our pay check's have gone up. Actually it has skyrocketed to the point that it's ridiculous! This past summer my employer banned us from working 12 hour shifts to cover people from other shifts. And has recently told us that we soon will no longer be allowed to work weekend's. I have not worked any overtime in a month. This lack of overtime has caused my check's to be cut in half of what I normally brought home with overtime. And financially I can't survive on a 40 hour paycheck. On top of that with my kid graduating last Spring I no longer get the child support except what is owed in back child support and even with what I was getting monthly has been cut in half. The amount of money being taken out of my check's for taxes is ridiculous. Will I ever catch a break? My car needs repairs and I can't even afford to get it repaired. I am going to have to find myself a second job and that's not what I want. I will not have any type of life like that! I am wanting to start a business to make extra money from home but how is a person to get the financial backing for that when you have inquired about financial backing and you get nothing but door's slammed in your face? This business that I want to start will happen but it will have to be one order at a time until the money starts flowing in. I am working on creating my own fork in the correct path, something that I will enjoy doing. But it can be so overwhelming at time's to know which way to turn or which way to go. But I will do this I am now fighting against all these road block's and dead end's. I am not going to play this game of the unfairness in life anymore. I already got my first order from a coworker. She knows that I will get it done for her as soon as I am able to get the supplies that I need to make it for her. This new journey that I am creating for myself will be posted after I get 3 project's done. I am just doing some venting today and trying to clear my head which is what this post is about on 2 subject's. Will post again soon.......
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