Friday, February 21, 2014


So I'm on a 5 pound restriction which isn't work related. Yesterday 3 hours into my shift after I put the drs slip on our hr reps desk he calls my cell phone and asks me to call him. So I walk away from my press and went up to hr (he forgot that I work 1st shift) and proceeds to tell me that because this is not work related that they can't accommodate me at work and tells me to go home.... Ok whatever! I think that's b.s. Cause I happen to know for a fact that they have accommodated many other employees. But I'll keep my mouth shut on this. 

A week ago I took my spoiled bratty dog to the vets cause she had scratched her ear raw and I suspected that she has allergies. So the vets gave me some ointment for her ear which has pretty much healed. But, the other night my friend noticed the same thing on her neck only it was way worse. So I took her back to the vet this morning and they shaved her neck, cleaned it up and the vet now fully agrees with me. Ugh! Good thing k9 allergy meds are way cheaper then human meds! She's now on 2 different types of allergy meds.

Right after I woke up this morning and was getting ready to walk out the door to head to the vets a friend from work texts me and asks me if I wanna make some money. Another employee got fired for something he said to her this morning and because he knows where she lives she was worried about him trying to retaliate and go to her house. She wanted someone to go to her house and watch her kids and house just to be on the safe side! I completely don't blame her on that! Her kids have never met me so I am glad that she trusts me enough to go to her house and watch them without them not knowing me. Trust is a key word in not only relationships but friendship to. :)

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