Sunday, May 15, 2011


So i'm really beginning to wonder if summer is ever going to get here or if mother nature is going to be mean and skip summer. I'm really getting tired of it being cold and especially sick of all this rain we've been getting lately. I need some warmth. Hot summer night's with a beer or 2 in the evenings to enjoy. I'm anxious to go to the lake and get my summer tan going (:
and getting my swimming fix in!! ;) not to mention that i am itching to get into my shorts tank tops and going barefoot every where.

Yes i am rambling and yes i am bored!! I'm irritated over the fact that thursday and friday was hot yesterday was warm and now its cold again :\

On the other hand of life somethings seem to be looking up. Some of which i'll put in another post at a later date. I'm finally off of restriction at work for my shoulder. I was sent to see a orthopedic dr 3 weeks ago and he looked at my MRI and the only thing he could see was arthritis so he gave me a injection and it worked. I went back to see him this past Thursday and was pleased that the injection did it's job and told me that when i feel that i need another one to go see him to get another injection. And let me tell ya when he gave me that 1st injection he came up behind me and stuck that needle in before i knew what hit me. All's i remember is this sudden burning sensation going through my shoulder and arm outta no where :O it was crazyness lol

Well i guess since im babbling im gonna get off of this. Have a great night!!!

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